Terms of use
General terms
Information provided & Products
The ‘kosmima-tziortzis’ website is an electronic store for selling products via the Internet in the field of jewellery (goldsmith ware).
(Here in after referred to as the kosmima-tziortzis, based in Filippou1, Thessaloniki P.C 54630, E-mail Address: sales[at]kosmima-tziortzis.gr, telephone line service of the e-shop: 2310544473.
The following terms and conditions will be applied to use the online store with the brand kosmima-tziortzis which is located at https://kosmima-tziortzis. Each user who enters and operates or uses the services of the e-shop (here in after referred to as "visitor" and / or "user" or "client" according to whether it is limited to a visit to the store only or made and order and sell products) is deemed to consent and unreservedly accepts the following terms hereby formulated, without any exception. If a user does not agree on these terms, then he owes his responsibility to abstain from visiting, using the site as well as from each transaction or use of the services of the online store.
General terms
THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify or revise freely terms and conditions of use and transactions by the online store whenever it deems it necessary, undertakes to inform consumers of any change through the pages of this e-shop. Contracts through the online store are drawn up in Greek.
Information provided & Products
THE COMPANY is committed to the accuracy, truth and completeness of the information set out in the online store, as regards the Identity of the COMPANY and the online branch, transactions. The Company, within the framework of good faith, is not responsible and is not bound by electronic data entries made by error / assistance in common experience and is entitled to correct them whenever they perceive their existence.
Limitation of Liability
THE COMPANY within its transactions from the online store is not responsible and does not have an obligation to compensate for any damage or damage resulting from the cancellation of orders, from non-execution or delay in execution, for any cause. It does not guarantee the availability of products exposed to the online store but updates on the basis of the complementary items for the availability or non-interested customer and undertakes in the event of a change in these data, to inform customers on non-availability in a timely It does not suffer any further responsibility. The online store provides the content (OX Information, Names, Photos, Illustrations), Products and Services available via the Site "As exactly". Under no circumstances is the COMPANY, is not primarily responsible or criminally for any damage (positive, special or incumbent, which, but not limited to, divorced and / or cumulatively consisting of loss of profits, data, loss profits, financial satisfaction, etc.) Submit a visitor to the online store or third of the reason relating to the functioning or not and / or use of the website and / or in a failure to provide services and / or products and / or information available from it and / or by any non Authorized third-party interventions on products and / or services and / or information available through it.
Intellectual property rights
All content of the online store, including distinctive titles, signals, images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, etc. They are the intellectual property of the COMPANY and protected in the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions or intellectual property of third parties for which the COMPANY has been licensed for its own exclusive needs and the operation of the e-shop. Any copying, transfer or creation of a work based on this content or misleading the public about the actual online store provider is prohibited. Reproduction, re-publication, loading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is only allowed after a prior written consent of the COMPANY or any other copyright beneficiary. Names, images, logos and distinctive features listed and describe the kosmima-tziortzis brand name or the products or services of the company or third parties, are assets of the COMPANY or third parties, respectively, protected by the relevant Trademark laws. Their use in the online store does not in any case authorize or right to use them from third parties.
User' s responsibility
The user / customer agrees and undertakes to use the services, information and data of the e-shop such as the law also predicts on the basis of the rules of good faith and transactions. It is obliged not to use the online store with the kosmima-tziortzis brand for: 1. Send, publish, send by e-mail or transmission in other ways of any content that is illegal for any reason, causes unlawful infestation and damage to the COMPANY or Any third party either infringing the confidentiality or confidential information of any person 2. Send, publish, e-mail or transmit in other ways of any content that causes an infringement of morals, social values, immature, etc. 3. Send, publish, send by e-mail or transmission in other modes of any content for which users do not have a right to transmission in accordance with the law or proceedings in force (such as internal information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or revealed as Part of working relationships or covered in confidentiality agreements), 4. Shipment, publication, e-mail or transmission in other ways of any content which violates any patent, brand, trade secret, copyright or other property rights of third parties , 5. sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any material containing software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or equip the operation any computer software or hardware, 6. intentional or unintentional breach of applicable laws or regulations; 7. harassment of third parties in any way; 8. collection or storage of personal data about other users.